Friday, September 3, 2010

A trip to the north!

Hello bloggies! As you've noticed, I seldom upload photos here on my site. I prefer uploading it on my facebook account or sometimes on my twitter. But this'll change. From now on, I'll be updating you guys with just anything. Be it an article, random thought or just plain snaps of me. So to start, I've been on a trip to the north [of the Philippines-Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte]. I visited a lot of churches, museums and even their Heritage Village that was built since the Spanish period. Ilocos is one of the most beautiful places you'll ever be, from its vintage houses down to its local delicacies, you'd never want to leave this place.
I'll end my blabbing here and show you pictures of me and my friends from our trip. Enjoy!

Click after the jump!

Paoay Church, Batac, Ilocos Norte



side buttresses of Paoay Church

MalacaƱang of the North
Vintage Air con




















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