Monday, April 26, 2010


Dear Blog,

I got inspired to put up my own ‘ideal life list’ from a blogger’s post I came across with the other night. It took me a lot of thinking time and effort to grate the most interesting thoughts and juiciest ideas I could ever think of on a sultry-April-midmorning.

(Woah. I wish my brain cells aren’t in a coma yet.)

So much that I wanted my list to be as simple and short as possible, I have been able to make 17 acts for my ideal life list. Oooppsie!

Okay Blog, please tell me I can do all these!

SUPERSUPERJEAN’s Way to the Road of Change   
  1.     No watching of TV except local and international news and cooking shows.
  2.     Start the day by reading and memorizing a verse from the bible.
  3.     Make a daily reflection at the end of the day.
  4.     Read at least 3 books in a week.
  5.     Stop eating pork and start eating fruits and vegetables instead.
  6.       Exercise three times a week.
  7.       Stop swearing.
  8.     Minimize the use of internet. Tweet less.
  9.     Study a new language. Exercise the English tongue.
  10.     Always keep a paper and a pen with all the time. You never know when those juicy thoughts and brilliant ideas would come in.
  11.     Update blog once in awhile.
  12.     Be vocal. Say Thank You, I Am Sorry, You’re Welcome and I Love You when needed.
  13.     Better to keep your mouth shut if you have something bad to say.
  14.     If you can’t understand something; always ask. It’s better to ask and look stupid for a moment than to not ask and stay stupid forever.
  15.     Think before you speak. Never speak without thinking (it first).
  16.     You can always get inspirations from anyone but never ever copy or imitate them or their work. Be you. Never forget that you’re unique. Be you. You must not wear anyone’s shoes. Be you.
  17.      Pray.

Don’t you guys feel motivated? Well, I do! Make your own Ideal Life List and see what it can do to improve your life.

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